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Italy sports fest honors 2 Iran films

Two Iranian sports films have won nods at the 35th Milano International FICTS Festival in Italy dedicated to sporty films.

Short film ‘Are You Volleyball?’ by Mohammad Bakhshi brought home the best film prize in the short film section, while ‘The Reporter’ by Mohammadreza Kheradmandan received an honorable mention in the TV film section of the festival, which was held in Milan earlier this week.

‘Are You Volleyball?’ narrates the story of relations between a group of troops and some Syrian refugees.

The 15 minute, many-layered story tells the essence of human relations and the troubles that come with them, with a script that has universal appeal.

The 100-second short film ‘The Reporter’, produced by Soureh Film Club, details the last minutes of a soccer match as reported by a little boy, with a game-ending result that is very different for him!

The Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs (FICTS) is the organizer of the event, which was the final phase of the World FICTS Challenge that runs in 16 countries around the world, including Iran.

